Titan Arum

Titan arum at Paignton Zoo, Devon

Class: Plants
Order: Alismatales
Family: Araceae
A large member of the Arum plant family, the Titan arum is a flowering plant with the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world!

The plant is native to the steep hillsides of rainforests in western Sumatra, Asia but is cultivated in botanic gardens worldwide, including here at Paignton Zoo. We currently have a plant in its “tree” form stage on-show in our humid Crocodile Swamp exhibit and since 2012, have been fortunate to have seven Titan arum blooms.


The Titan arum is under threat in its natural habitat due to land degradation and deforestation. Huge areas of its habitat are logged for timber and to make room for unsustainable palm oil plantations.

Botanic gardens like Paignton Zoo play a vital role in the ex-situ conservation of this endangered plant through efforts to better understand its biology and horticultural requirements.